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Q: A villages population is between 800 and 1000.the sum of the digits is 21 and the digits in the ones and hundreds place are the same. What is the population total?
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What are the similarities and differences between between villages and cities?

Similarities: Both villages and cities are inhabited areas with a community of people living together. They have infrastructure such as homes, schools, and businesses. Differences: Villages are typically smaller in size with a lower population compared to cities. Cities have more advanced infrastructure, amenities, and services such as public transportation, hospitals, and entertainment options, while villages tend to have a more rural and traditional atmosphere.

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What are similarities and differences between a village a town and a city in the US?

Similarities: Villages, towns, and cities are all types of human settlements with varying population sizes. They typically have infrastructure like housing, businesses, and public services. Differences: The main difference lies in population size and infrastructure. Villages are smaller and more rural, towns are larger than villages but smaller than cities, while cities usually have larger populations and more developed infrastructure.

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the distance between Tampa Florida and the villages Florida

How many tribes are in Zambia?

There are thousands of villages in Zambia and you would need a very up to date and accurate map to see them all. There are 10 major cities and at least another 30 towns with population over 5,000. Many villages are scattered between these major sites.

What is the difference between the houses in villages and cities?

Houses in villages are generally smaller, more spaced out, and have a more traditional design compared to houses in cities which are typically larger, closer together, and more varied in architectural style. Villages often have a stronger sense of community and connection to nature, while cities offer more amenities and services due to their higher population density.

What is the average rural village population in India?

VILLAGE SIZE IN INDIA India is predominantly a rural and agrarian society, and 72 percent of India's population lives in villages according to the 2001 census. Village size varies considerably in the country, with some villages having fewer than 50 residents and some having more than 10,000 residents. The study first examines the growth of villages in India using census data. It then establishes linkages between the size of villages and their level of socio-economic and demographic development. Larger villages have grown rapidly in number and there is a decline in the number of small villages in all the states. Residents of large villages are socio-economically better developed compared to residents of smaller villages, and have higher utilization of maternal and child health-related services. However, it must be stressed that inter-state variation in the provision of basic facilities to villages is larger than the intra-state variations by village size.

Campare the roles of men and women in hopi villages?

There are a few roles that are different between the men and women in Hopi villages. The men governed their Hopi villages the women own all proprieties.

What is the difference between city and village?

Size, cities are bigger than villages. A city has a population of between 100 000 and 500 000. A village has a population of between 100 and 1000.-------The differences between cities, towns, and villages are not based on size of population, but other things, and these vary with culture. For example, in some countries of the middle ages, the following definitions were used:Hamlet - a collection of houses and other buildingsVillage - a collection of houses and other buildings, including a churchTown - a municipality with a permanent market, which required a royal charter, or, later, with a town hall and mayorCity - a municipality with a cathedral, or, later, with a city charterThe population of the city of St. David's, in Wales, was usually below 2000, and probably fell below 1000 at times.The English had a number of cities, but there was a time when there were only eight towns, because William the Conqueror had not issued any more market charters than that.

What day and time did us population reach pi?

pi is an irrational number between 3 and 4. It is not possible to have a population comprising a fractional number of people. In any case, the population probably exceeded 4 more than hundreds of thousand years ago.

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Between which 2 hundreds is each number? 713?

How many miles are there between Sanford FL and The Villages?

56.5 miles