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differances between stationary population and stable population

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Q: Difference between stable population and stationary population?
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What is an example of stationary population level?

Stationary population level is when the national population stops growing. Stationary population can occur if there is no growth or declines in population. China is hoping to achieve this by the year 2030.

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A sturgeon is a fish, a stable is a building for animals.

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What is a sentence for the word stationary?

Letterhead, envelopes and business cards for one.

Do electrons in stationary states emit the most radiation?

No, electrons in stationary states do not emit radiation because they are in stable energy levels. Radiation is emitted when electrons transition between energy levels, releasing photons of specific energies.

Are neutron stars stationary or do they rotate?

They rotate with an amazingly stable rotation rate.

What is the difference between a ranch and a stable?

The difference between a ranch and a stable is that a ranch tends to be a place to raise livestock including horses and tends to have a more 'western' style/feel to it. A stable is a place where horses are raised/cared for, and also tend to have a more 'eastern or english' feel to it. Those are just the basic difference's, there are many more, but these are the most noticeable.

What is the synonym of immovable?

unshakable, fixed, unchangeable, unyielding, stuck, stationary, stable, motionless, immutable, constant, adamant, stubborn

What is the diffrnece between advancing retreating and stationary glaciers?

Advancing glaciers are glaciers that are moving forward and expanding, while retreating glaciers are glaciers that are melting and shrinking. Stationary glaciers are glaciers that are not currently advancing or retreating, maintaining a relatively stable position.

What is a hink pink for stationary?

I'm wondering if there is a word missing. Generally, hink-pinks are an adjective/noun combination. stationary top floor = static attic stationary pickle = still dill stationary article of clothing = inert skirt stationary work surface = stable table stationary bear = steady teddy stationary aide = consistent assistant

This population pyramid might be considered?

Unusual because populations normally decrease with age