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Q: A what is a list of numbers that often forms a pattern?
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What is a list of numbers that often form a pattern?


In a list of numbers the pattern increases by 0.001 as you move to the right. If the third number in the list is 0.064 what is the first number in the list?

It is 0.062

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sorry I posted this by mistake

What is the number that appears most often in a list of numbers mathmatically?

The mode is the term for the number that appears most often.

What is the mode of the numbers 503 and 510?

The mode is the number that occurs most often in a list. As both numbers appear the same amount of times, there is no mode.

How do you do average of a lot of numbers?

To find the average of a list of numbers, add the numbers and divide by the number of numbers in the list.

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what is the ratio or prime numbers to composite numbers in this list/10,11,2,13,14,15,16,1,7,18,19,20,21

How do you find the mode in list of numbers?

It is the number that occurs the most in the list of numbers

Order list of numbers is called?

Surprisingly, it is called an ordered list of numbers!

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An ordered list of numbers is a sequence

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[sum of numbers on list] ÷ [amount of numbers in list]

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