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The value of the estate is $48000

You solve this equation by looking at the known information:

3 daughters, split half of the estate between them

= $8000 each

1 wife, half of the entire estate

Therefore, you must add the the daughters estates together:

$8000 x 3(for each daughter) = $24000

This means that the wife's estate also equaled $24000

$24000 x 2(from the wife's estate and all 3 daughters estate totaled up)


This is how you can see that the entire estate would equal $48000.

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Q: A wife receive half of his entire estate and his three daughters would split the other half equally If each daughter's share was 8000 how much was the value of the est?
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What does legatee mean?

LegateeAlso known as a beneficiary, a legatee is a person or organization who is named in a will to receive a portion of the decease's estate.

How do you calculate on pro rata basis?

For example: If a person's estate is distributed on a pro rata basis, each claimant in the estate is entitled to that portion of the estate based on the amount of his/her claim. Let's say the estate is currently worth $10,000. You have a claim against the estate for $20,000, and your sister has a claim against the estate for $2,000. There is not enough money to pay either one of you in full. This is where pro rata takes place. You compare your claim to the size of the other claim. Your claim is ten times what your sister's claim is. You will receive ten times whatever she gets, up to the amount that is in the estate. Since the estate is only $10k, you have to divide it by 11 (your share of 10 to her share of 1) 10:1. For every one dollar she gets, you get ten. So the mathematical equation: 10,000/11=909 Each part is worth $909. She only gets one part. You get ten. You will receive $9,090 and your sister will get $909. Just to be fair....I would split the last dollar with her so you each get .50 more.

How is geometry used in real estate?

its not used in real estate

What estate refers to importance of the press?

You might be thinking of the 'Fourth Estate'. For more about this please consider viewing the wikipedia article.

How will you use college algebra in real estate?

Calculating dimensions of properties.

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