216 mm3
9x6x5=270 cubic millimeters.1000 cubic millimeters is a cubic centimeter
The 9mm round measures .356 inch in diameter. a 380 is 95 gr 9mm 124gr 40 is180 gr 45 is 230 gr
The question is so vague as to be meaningless. The answer depends very, very much on the details of where, how, and what exactly a "9mm" is (9mm handgun? 9mm rifle? 9mm assault rifle? 9mm machine pistol? something else?).
9mm..... -CA
No. He was shot by a 9mm.
83 Cm
9 millimeters is about 3/8".
@ 7 H and 7 L
About 1 1/8" x 3/8".
216 mm3
About 1 1/8" x 3/8".
Approximately 11/32 or .35 of an inch
About 6 inches of sand.
The MP40 utilized 9x19 Parabellums - standard 9mm rounds.