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H2O, with a bond angle of 104.5 degrees due to its three areas of electron density.

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Q: According to VSEPR theory which molecule has a bent shape CO2 H2O CS2 HF?
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What does the VSEPR theory tell about a molecule?

A. The geometry it will have

Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of the carbon tetraiodide molecule CI4?

According to VSEPR theory, the carbon tetraiodide molecule (CI4) will have a square planar shape. This is because it has four bonding pairs of electrons around the central carbon atom, leading to a bond angle of 90 degrees and a symmetrical arrangement.

What is the vsepr theory for an ammonia molecule?

The VSEPR theory for an ammonia (NH3) molecule predicts that the molecule has a trigonal pyramidal shape. This is because the nitrogen atom has one lone pair of electrons, causing the bond angles to be slightly less than the ideal 109.5 degrees.

What VSEPR shape does SiCl4 have?

SiCl4 has a tetrahedral shape according to the VSEPR theory. Each Cl atom is located at the corner of the tetrahedron, with the silicon atom at the center.

Why is the VSEPR theory not needed to predict the shape of HCl?

The molecule HCl consists of only two atoms, hydrogen and chlorine, resulting in a linear molecular geometry. Due to its simplicity and lack of lone pairs on the central atom, hydrogen, VSEPR theory is not needed to predict the shape of HCl.

The VSEPR theory allows us to determine the?

The VSEPR theory allows us to determine the molecular geometry of a molecule based on the number of electron pairs around the central atom. It helps predict the shape of molecules by minimizing electron pair repulsion. This theory is useful in understanding the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules and their properties.

What does the vsepr theory explain for covalent bonds?

The VSEPR theory explains how the geometric arrangement of atoms around a central atom in a molecule affects the molecule's shape. It helps predict the shape of molecules based on the number of electron pairs (both bonding and non-bonding) around the central atom.

What is the vsepr shape of THC?

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) does not have a defined VSEPR shape as it is a molecule with a complex structure containing multiple rings and functional groups. The molecule is quite flexible, leading to variations in its geometry.

How do electrons influence the shape of a molecule?

Electrons influence the shape of a molecule through their distribution around the nucleus, which affects the bonding between atoms. The sharing or transfer of electrons between atoms makes chemical bonds that determine the geometry of the molecule. The arrangement of electron pairs (bonding and non-bonding) around the central atom determines the molecule's shape according to VSEPR theory.

What in VSEPR theory?

VSEPR stands for Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion, and it describes how valence (bonding) electrons are arranged around an atom, and how they are used in creating a bond. This then can be used to help predict the GEOMETRIC SHAPE of the molecule being formed.

Explain how the VSEPR theory can be used to predict the shapes of molecules?

Valence electron pairs will move as far apart from each other as possible. (Apex)

How does the VSEPR theory explain molecular shape?

Electron pairs repelling each other push atoms apart.