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Q: According when is one more likely to encounter cross examination and negative construction speech?
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Is number of days absent from school and the mark in the examination a positive and negative or no correlation?

No correlation. The mark you get in your exam, relates to the number of correct answer you have given. It has nothing to do with your class attendance.

Is the number positive if the power is negative?

It does not work that way. A negative power is simply the reciprocal. So that x-a = 1/xa The reciprocal is negative or positive according to whether the number itself is negative or positive. [And, if the number is 0, the reciprocal is not defined.]

What are some positive and negative impacts of construction?

Hmm, well construction is positive in that it can provide structures that help the world... housing, factories, animal shelters, cruise ships, etc. On the other hand, it can be negative as far as environmental impact or changing land use... taking away the habitat of a rare bird or animal for instance, or displacing a population or a site important to history in favor of "progress." There are good and bad things about all decisions, and the individual cases have to be looked at.

Is the square root of negative sixteen a rational number?

It might be rational according to the technical definition of 'rational', but it's imaginary.

According to Einstein can the time be negative?

According to Einstein time was the fourth dimension and time was able to slow down and even stop.But not "negative" or best said backwords because this could only accur when traveling faster than light and according to Einstein nothing is faster than light because light is made of massless particles called photon. Hence free of any physical costrains.

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Answer of IIT examination?

In IIT JEE examination, we have to answer multiple choice questions. Only one or more than one answer may be correct from the given options. For a wrong answer, you get negative marks too. The answers undergo computerized evaluation.

Which is not a negative effect on the earth's system resultting from a construction of a dam?

Providing irrigation water for nearby farmlands

Which is not a negative effect on earth system resulting from construction of a dam?

Providing irrigation water for nearby farmlands

Which is not a negative effect on the earth system resulting from the construction of dam?

Providing irrigation water for nearby farmlands

Is not a preposition?

You are correct. "Not" is an adverb, typically used to form a negative construction.

Negative effects of widening of public roads?

There are many positive and negative effects of widening public roads. Negative effects that come to mind include: impeding traffic during construction, environmental impact, and taxpayer cost. There are other possible negative effects such as people "rubbernecking" or staring at construction which can cause an accident. If there is insufficient room to widen the road but it must be widened, sidewalk space can be reduced or street parking spaces removed.

What is the negative reciprocal of -1?

negative one over one

What part of speech is neither nor?

Neither nor is a correlative conjunction. It is used to connect two alternatives in a negative construction.

What are the negative characteristics of Akbar the great?

According to practically all historians, Akbar had no negative characteristics to speak of.