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1) disadvantages:

- comparability and availability (3 way- stick)

in the regions where census data is problematic, it's availability can be a problem, and, obviously, this introduces unreliability into your estimations based on statistical methods;

in the regions like US secondary data is so widely available that one has to posess superior ability to analyze it to be able to extract advantageous information about consumer behaviour not already extracted by competitors)

- explanatory power

if consumers are grouped by one Demographics, say, age, there's ambiguity as to whether consumers at the border ages are sufficiently different to place them in separate groups; also, you can not split them into groups to no limit - therefore you lose information about consumers if you group them based on limited demographics;

2) advantages:

- availability

in countries like US secondary demographical data IS the cheapest (free) data to get;

- in developed countries, with some effort and good statistical software, for generic products, especially, demographical data can explain up to 70% of change in consumer behaviour

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Q: Advantages and disadvantages of demographic segmentation?
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What is the relevance of demographic segmentation?

Demographic segmentation offers businesses an upfront approach to classifying consumers based on easily recognisable characteristics such as age, gender, income, and education level. This segmentation technique is beneficial due to its simplicity and the wide accessibility of demographic data from varied sources. By custom-building marketing messages and products/services to specific demographic groups, companies can improve their targeting efforts and increase the efficiency of their campaigns. However, demographic segmentation has its boundaries. It may oversimplify consumer behaviour, leading to overgeneralization and stereotyping. Moreover, demographic characteristics can change over time, demanding businesses to continuously change their strategies. Despite these disadvantages, when used in conjunction with other segmentation methods and seeing individual preferences, demographic segmentation can be an appreciated tool for businesses aiming to reach their target audience effectively.

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segmentation is a creative prcess. marketers normally segment markets by combining several segmentation variables rather than relaying on a single segmentation base. THERE ARE 4 METHODS OF HYBRID SEGMENTATION * Value and Life Style (VALS) * psychographic-demographic segmentation * geo-demographic segmentation * yankelovich's mind base segmentation

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What are the Advantages and disadvantages of market segmentation?

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