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Easily be read, at a glance of eye rather than a table

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Q: Advantages of a component bar chart?
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Related questions

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a component bar chart?

The size of most of them.

When do you use a component bar chart?

It's a stacked bar chart.

What is the difference between component bar chart and multiple bar chart?

You can only use the component bar chart when you have complete information. For instance, you must have totals and components to use the chart.

Advantages of using a bar chart?


Which quadrilateral has no lines of symmetry?

Differentiate between simple bar chart, multiple bar chart and component bar chart with examples

What is a component bar chart?

This is used to represent the relative size of the components.

What are Multiple bar chart and component bar chart?

It seems that you're not the only one asking that question because an answer has already been posted somewhere Please check the following links for the definition and difference between component bar chart and multiple bar chart: Also, check the following link for a very good example of a multiple bar graph: --Likkawen

What is a percentage component bar chart?

This is used to represent the relative size of the components.

Advantages of a bar chart?

One advantage of a bar chart is that it is able to make trends more obvious than a table chart. Another advantage is that you're easily able to estimate key values.

What are the advantages of multiple bar chart?

21 40 55 38 10 2

What is the different between multiple barchart and component barchart?

Barchart is the report of any data which you have done from day 1 to day last. Barcahrt have a subcategory which is called component bar chart which shows each specific component details from day 1 to day last

What are the advantages of using line graphs?

the advantages fo using a line graph is that is shows trends over time and with a bar chart it shows ammount