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Q: Advantages of using a bar chart?
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What are the advantages of using line graphs?

the advantages fo using a line graph is that is shows trends over time and with a bar chart it shows ammount

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a component bar chart?

The size of most of them.

Advantages of a bar chart?

One advantage of a bar chart is that it is able to make trends more obvious than a table chart. Another advantage is that you're easily able to estimate key values.

Advantages and disadvantages of Milestone Chart?

There are many advantages to using a milestone chart for your child. You will be able to track their growth and development and use that if you see any problems. There really are not disadvantages when using a milestone chart.

What are the advantages of multiple bar chart?

21 40 55 38 10 2

Which chart type would you use to compare distinct objects over time using a horizontal format?

Bar charts are normally laid out horizontally. You can have many variations of bar chart, such as clustered or stacked.

Name two types of charts you can create using a spreadsheet package?

bar chart and pie chart

What are the advantages of using a table or a chart when presenting information?

you can combine or take the advantage.

Which chart type would you use to compare unrelated objects over time using a horizontal format?

A bar chart.

What is this chart that is a column chart that turn on its side and bar length is based on its value?

It is a [horizontal] bar chart.It is a [horizontal] bar chart.It is a [horizontal] bar chart.It is a [horizontal] bar chart.

How does a bar graph differ from a chart?

A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.A bar graph IS a chart.

If you displayed a chart while giving a speech about the growth of business what kind of chart will you be using?

It depends on what you are trying to show, but a bar chart or a line chart could present that information.