As of November 2011, someone born in 1962 will be 49 years old.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
He turns 51 on his birthday in 2013.
You would have turned 31 on your birthday in 1993 .
On your birthday in 1989, you would turn 27. Until your birthday, you would be 26. This occasionally causes confusion when trying to calculate someone's birth year from their age, if you do not know their date of birth.
As of November 2011, someone born in 1962 will be 49 years old.
As of 2022, someone born in 1962 would be 60 years old.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
Oh, dude, if someone was born in 1962, like, you just gotta do some simple math, right? So, if we're in 2021, you just subtract 1962 from 2021, and boom, you get 59. So, like, a person born in 1962 would be 59 years old. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
He turns 51 on his birthday in 2013.
Born 1906 Died 1962 1962-1906 = 56 Answer: 56 Years old
Soon to be 49. He was born January 13. 1962.
Ally McCoist is 48 years old (birthdate: September 24, 1962).
What is the retirement age for someone born in 1954.
age 68
In this case, 1931 being the year they were born, until the year they passed, 1962.