On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
He turns 51 on his birthday in 2013.
If you were born in September, 1962, how old are you in 2010?You are 48 if you were born in September of 1962.
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
If you were born in 1962, you would be 49 years old in 2011. If you were born in 1962, you would be 50 years old in 2012.
As of 2022, someone born in 1962 would be 60 years old.
On his birthday in 2009, a person born in 1962 turns 47.
Rick Nattress is 52 years old (birthdate: May 25, 1962).
He turns 51 on his birthday in 2013.
Oh, dude, if someone was born in 1962, like, you just gotta do some simple math, right? So, if we're in 2021, you just subtract 1962 from 2021, and boom, you get 59. So, like, a person born in 1962 would be 59 years old. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!
Mitzi Kapture is 49 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1962).
If you were born in September, 1962, how old are you in 2010?You are 48 if you were born in September of 1962.
Janet was born in 1962. The month was May. Early May, I think.
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
If you were born in 1962, you would be 49 years old in 2011. If you were born in 1962, you would be 50 years old in 2012.
If the person has already had their birthday this year they were born in 1963, if they will be 48 this year they were born in 1962.
The life expectancy for someone born in 1962 is approximately 70 years old. This means that on average, individuals born in 1962 can expect to live to around 70 years old. However, life expectancy can vary based on factors such as health, lifestyle, and genetics.