

Best Answer

Algebra originated in origins in Mesopotamia and Egypt with the Islamic scholar al-Khwarizmi (790-840).

no it was arriginated in 999 in by arab and roman scholars

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Q: Algebra originated in what country?
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How algebra originated?

It originated in Babylonia and Egypt. They needed it to construct the huge monuments in each country. Greeks later perfected it even further.

What civilization did algebra oringinated from?

algebra is an Arabic word, and originated from babylonians.

What is the origin of the word algebra?

Algebra originated from the Arabic word 'Al Jabr'

Where does algebra originate?

I believe it originated in ancient Egypt and Babylon.

Where did math orginate?

well , algebra originated somewere in ancient Islam

What is the country of origin for algebra?

Uzbekistan is the home of algebra

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Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus

How did algebra get started?

Algebra, as the Arabic origin of its name suggests, originated with the work of the Persian mathematician al-KhwÄrizmÄ« (780 – 850).

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