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Q: All squares are similar to each other?
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Are all squares the same?

yes all squares are extremely similar

Are all squares similar?

Yes, all squares are similar because they are all in proportion. The angles will always be 90 degrees, and the sides proportionate. The same ratio can be created using any two side measures between squares. Thus, all squares are similar.

Is regular polygons also similar?

-- All regular (equilateral) triangles are similar. -- All squares are similar. -- All pentagons are similar. -- All hexagons are similar. . . . etc. Any regular polygon is similar to all other regular polygons with the same number of sides.

Name the best classification for a parallelogram with 4 right angles and diagonals that bisect each other?

A square. All squares are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are squares.

Do parallelograms have parallel sides?

Yes. A Parallelogram is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of parallel sides which are opposite each other and of equal length, though the pairs may be of different length to each other. If the angles are all 90° then the parallelogram is also a rectangle. If the angles are all 90° AND all sides are equal then the parallelogram is also a square. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares; Similarly all squares are rhombuses but not all rhombuses are squares And all rhombuses, and thus squares, are parallelograms, but not all parallelograms are rhombuses (nor squares).

How can you have four squares and remove two lines and only leave two squares?

you have to draw four squares. all up by each other and then you take out the two middle ones.

Are all squares are similar true or false?


Can you call a 4 sided shape a parallellogram?

Only if 2 sides are parallel with each other, and the other two sides are also parallel with each other. All squares are rectangles. All rectangles are parallelograms. All parallelograms are 4 sided. But not all 4-sided are parallelograms, not all parallelograms are rectangles, and not all rectangles are squares.

All parrallelograms are squares?

No, the other way. All squares are parallelograms.

Are all squares congruent?

No. Most squares probably are not congruent. Although they are similar.

A square has diagonals that are?

the squares diagonal are all congruent to each other, and the diagonals make 4 isoceles triangles.

Are all 45 45 90 triangles are similar to each other?

Yes or they could be congruent to each other.