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yup, bar none... do you have any STDs? be careful by the time you are 20 guys have radar and won't touch you with a ten foot pole. (other than the really cr*ppy kinds of guys you wouldn't want to date)

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Q: Am i a slut if I've slept with more than 50 guys at the age of 13?
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How do you tell boyfriend has slept with someone you guys live with?

If he wants to be with them more than you

Should you act like a slut to get attention from guys?

No if the guy was really worth it you wouldn't have to be a slut to get him.More . . .Just be yourself and be friendly, always with a smile on your face and something interesting to say or talk about. The attention will come and it will be more sincere than if you acted like a slut. If you act like a slut, you will get a slut's reputation and be thought of as "easy" but not someone to fall in love with.

Would you be a 'slut' if you are 14 years old and like it when a boy or even another girl slaps me on the behind?

No, people do it all the time. Look at the guys on the football field or something like that. they do it. who cares. every1 knows there not gay. why would the same thing make u a slut? if you think your a slut, than you are...

Is there a test to see how many guys a girl has slept with?

Yes, a polygraph is better than 95% accurate with a skilled examiner:)

How do you tell if someone has slept with more than one person?

If they will be honest and tell you how many people they have slept with.AnswerThere is no way to tell.

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yes girls cheat more than guys!!!

Ty and cy both slept more than 6 hrs a night the 3 nights before the race ty slept 8hrs more than cy neither slept more than 33 hrs how many hrs did ty sleep each night?

Many answers could be correct. If we say Ty slept 33 hours, which is 11 hours per night, then Cy slept 25 hours which is 8 hours and 20 minutes per night.

Why are girls more attractive than guys?

in some cases guys are more attractive

Is it bad to be a slut?

The word "slut" is an insult, so asking "is it bad to be a slut" is like asking "is it bad to be a moron?" More broadly, there are several problems associated with sleeping with more than one person. The biggest is the risk of disease. The second is feelings of anger and jealousy associated with people whose romantic partners are not faithful to them. The third is the fact that most people in society disapprove of sleeping with more than one person.

Do guys sleep more than girls?

guys sometimes work harder than girs

Do guys show more sympathy to girls than guys?


What if you are attracted to girls more than guys?

if you are a girl and you like girls more than guys. go ahead and date girls. sometimes guys even think it is hot