275 km/hr
At full speed an airplane can travel 3500 miles with the wind in 5 hours but it requires 7 hours to travel the same distance against the wind?
Let the speed of the airplane in still air be represented by V.Velocity = Distance ÷ Time, thus Distance = Velocity x Time.D = 4(V + 20) = 5(V - 20), then 4V + 80 = 5V - 100 : V = 180 kphThe speed in still air is 180kph
Air speed or ground speed?
u said airspeed remains the same, so 840 mi in 3 hrs the groundspeed is 280, for the return trip groundspeed is 240, therfore the wind speed is 40
275 km/hr
At full speed an airplane can travel 3500 miles with the wind in 5 hours but it requires 7 hours to travel the same distance against the wind?
275 km/hr
Let the speed of the airplane in still air be represented by V.Velocity = Distance ÷ Time, thus Distance = Velocity x Time.D = 4(V + 20) = 5(V - 20), then 4V + 80 = 5V - 100 : V = 180 kphThe speed in still air is 180kph
The average speed if an airplane travels 1364 miles in 5.5 hours is 248 miles/hr.
Air speed or ground speed?
u said airspeed remains the same, so 840 mi in 3 hrs the groundspeed is 280, for the return trip groundspeed is 240, therfore the wind speed is 40
191.05882 mph
Gradually return to it's previous speed and altitude when disturbed.
Its average speed during that period of 3 hours is 182.27 feet per second. (rounded)
Time = Distance/Speed = 4700km/790kph = 5.949 hours or 5 hours 57 minutes approx.The airplane's speed cannot be expressed in miles because miles are a measure of distance, not of speed.However, the speed is 491 miles per hour (approx).