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Q: An area with Karst topography would have many or few surface streams?
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Which of the following would you expect to find in an region that has karst topography?

Some features you would expect to find in a region with karst topography include sinkholes, caves, underground rivers, and disappearing streams. Karst landscapes are characterized by the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone, resulting in unique landforms and geological features.

What kind of bedrock would you find in in Karst Topography?

karst topography will contain mostly easily erodable bedrock, such as limestone and dolomite.

What is the surface of a region called?

Landscape or surface features would be a couple , but topography would describe the shapes.

If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying what?

Topography .

IF you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area what would you be studying of the area or the lay of the land?

the answer is Topography

If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying the?

I am pretty sure it is Topography. And yes it does start with T. :)

In what location would a photosynthetic autotroph by found?

near the surface of oceans, lakes,streams or ponds

What is the topography of Neptune?

Neptune'sTopography, well since Neptune is just a giant ball of water, there really isn't a surface, once you would enter Neptune, you would go through miles of clouds to reach the surface, which would really be the Core of the planet

What would happen to the rivers and streams if 50inches of snow melts in a two day period?

I highly doubt that 50 inches of snow will completely melt in 2 days. If this is a hypothetical question, then it will depend on a few other things, such as how large the watersheds are, what the snow water equivalent (SWE) is, the topography of the watershed, and the current stage of the rivers and streams. But in general, there would be some major flooding of the rivers.

How does topography explain the changes in climate?

Topography would relate more to microclimate: 'the physical state of the atmosphere close to a very small area of the earth's surface.." The sunny side of hills will be warmer, the shady side cooler, etc.

If you were to study the shape of the surface of a geographic area you would be studying about what of that area or the lay of the land?

Studying the shape of the surface of a geographic area is known as topography. It involves analyzing the physical features and elevation changes of the land, such as mountains, valleys, and plains, to understand the terrain and landscape of the area. This information is essential for various purposes including urban planning, resource management, and environmental assessment.

What is the plural possessive of caves?

Caves' as in most plural possesives.E.g. The Mendip Hills' caves' streams were traced in the Mendip Karst Hydrology Project.Though that example (referring to a study carried out in the 1960s) would be more euphonious ifcaves' was replaced by cave,turning the word from noun to adjective and removing an awkward conjoined-s.)