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The equation for magnetic force is:

F = q(v × B)


F = (1.60 × 10 -19C)(3 × 106 m/s)(2 T) = 9.6 × 10-13 N

F = ma

a = F/m = (9.6 × 10-13 N)/(9.11 × 10-31 kg) = 1.05 × 1018 m/s2

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Q: An electron has a velocity of 3 x 10 to the 6th power meters per second perpendicular to a magnetic field of 2T what force and acceleration does the electron experience?
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The force on an electron moving in a magnetic field will be the largest when its direction is?

perpendicular to the magnetic field direction

Which force field can accelerate an electron but never change its speed?

I would say a magnetic field. When an electron enters a magnetic field that is oriented perpendicular to its path of travel it causes the electron to loop in a circle. While the speed stays the same the velocity is constantly changing due to the circular motion. Hence same speed but undergoing an acceleration.

If a stationary electron sat inside a stationary magnetic field would the magnetic field cause the electron to move?

No, a stationary electron placed in a stationary magnetic field would not move due to the magnetic field alone. The force experienced by a charged particle in a magnetic field is perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the velocity of the particle. In this case, since the electron is stationary, there is no component of its velocity perpendicular to the magnetic field for the magnetic force to act upon.

What happens to a positron when it encounters a magnetic field?

When a positron encounters a magnetic field, it will experience a force due to its positive charge and the direction of the force will be perpendicular to both the velocity of the positron and the magnetic field. The positron will move in a curved path due to this force, following a trajectory dictated by the strength and orientation of the magnetic field.

If the incident direction of an electron entering a magnetic field is?

If the incident direction of an electron entering a magnetic field is not parallel to the field lines, the electron will experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force will cause the electron to move in a curved path known as a helix. The radius of this helical path depends on the velocity and charge of the electron, as well as the strength of the magnetic field.

How are electromagnetic waves formed?

they are formed when a electric field and a magnetic field couple. When ever a charged particle undergoes an acceleration it emits electromagnetic radiation. Therefore when an electron 'jumps' from a high energy quantum state to a lower energy quantum state it produces em radiation of a particular frequency. And, more precisely, EM waves are created by accelerating a charge. An electron at rest (or cruising at constant speed) has a stable electric field radiating outwards (really inwards for negative charge). If the electron is accelerated, a ripple in the field radiates outward with the speed of light, with the strongest effect perpendicular to the electron's vector of acceleration and weakest part (zero) along the vector. The electric field fluctuation is in any plane along the vector, and the magnetic part is in the plane perpendicular to that and the vector.

Does a magnetic field exert any pressure on a charge moving perpendicular to its direction?

Only moving charges experience force in a magnetic field. i.e.,on moving ,a charge q,with velocity v ,experiences a force in the presence of electric field(E) and magnetic field (B). It can be represented as F= q(v x B)~(Ftotal=Felectricfield + Fmagneticfield ) Force acts perpendicular to both magnetic field and velocity of the electron. Its direction is given by right hand thumb rule or screw rule. The magnetic force is zero if charge is not moving, since lvl=0.

Why can a moving electron be deflected by magnetics fields?

A moving electron can be deflected by magnetic fields due to the Lorentz force, which acts perpendicular to both the velocity of the electron and the magnetic field. This force alters the path of the electron, causing it to curve in the presence of a magnetic field.

An electron is shot through a spot somewhere between the ends of a horseshoe magnet and then the electron?

The electron will experience a force due to the magnetic field of the horseshoe magnet. The force will cause the electron to follow a curved path due to the Lorentz force. The direction of the curvature will depend on the direction of the magnetic field and the velocity of the electron.

How will a fine pencil of electrons streaming in west to east direction be affected by a magnetic field directed vertically upwards explain with the help of diagram?

The pencil of electrons will experience a force due to the magnetic field that is directed vertically upwards. This force will cause the electrons to deviate from their original path in a direction perpendicular to both the electron's velocity (west to east) and the magnetic field. The deflection of the electrons can be explained by the right-hand rule, where the thumb points in the direction of electron velocity, fingers in the direction of the magnetic field, and the palm shows the direction of the force.

What is the orientation of magnetic fields?


When cathode rays are passed through a magnetic field which pole do they deflect towards north or south and why?

Cathode rays are negatively charged particles, so they deflect towards the north pole of a magnetic field. This is due to the right-hand rule for electron motion in a magnetic field, which states that when a negatively charged particle moves in a magnetic field its deflection is in a direction opposite to the conventional current flow.