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An uneven number

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an odd number.

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Q: An even number plus an uneven number equals?
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... equals an even number

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Does an odd consecutive number have to be plus 2?

Yes it does, since 1 (an odd whole number) plus another 1 equals 2 (an even whole number). So only 2 plus an odd whole number equals a consecutive odd whole number. 1 plus 2 equals 3. 3 plus 2 equals 5. And so on.

Why an odd number plus an even number equals to an odd number?

That's just math, buddy

Can you add an even number to 15 so that the sum is an even number?

No because two plus 15 equals 17

How can you determine whether the sum of several numbers such as 13 plus 45 plus 24 plus 17 is even or odd without actually calculating the sum?

Even plus even equals even. Odd plus odd equals odd. Odd plus even equals odd. 13 + 45 (odd plus odd) will be even. Even plus 24 will be even. Even plus 17will be odd. 13 + 45 + 24 + 17 will be odd.

Is an even number plus an even number always even?

Yes, an even number plus an even number is always even. Also, and odd number plus an odd number is always even.

What number plus a number equals 0.79?

How about: 0.7 plus 0.09 = 0.79

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What is the number of integral solution to x plus y plus z equals 100?

What is the answer to 2a plus b plus 3c equals 2a plus b plus 3c?

That's not even a question. It's only a statement that says that some number is equal to itself.

If 2 plus 3 equals 10 and 7 plus 2 equals 63 and 6 plus 5 equals 66?

then 4 plus 3 equals 28 and 3 plus 3 equals 18 and 7 plus 5 equals 84 .... its easy you just have to multiply the answer with the first number.. for example : 2 plus 3 equals 5 but when you multiply the answer with the first number (2) it becomes equals 10, and so on the others..

You plus you plus you equals uuu what number is uuu?