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Q: An example showing a statement is not true?
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Circular logic would be a statement or series of statements that are true because of another statement, which is true because of the first. For example, statement A is true because statement B is true. Statement B is true because statement A is true

An example of paradox?

One classic example of a paradox is the "liar paradox," which revolves around a statement that cannot consistently be true or false. An example would be the statement "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false, but if it is false, then it must be true, creating a paradoxical situation.

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In writing, there is a difference between telling statements and showing statements. A telling statement states a fact, such as that it was cold. A showing statement would illustrate that by, for example, describing how everyone was shivering.

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The below statement is false. The above statement is true. I am lying. I am lying when I say I am lying.

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There cannot be a proof because the statement need not be true.

An example used to show that a given statement is not always true?

counter example

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What is an example of a true statement that has a false converse?

"All human beings are animals" is a true statement. All animals are not human beings.

Is every statement a theorem why?

There are many kinds of statement that are not theorems: A statement can be an axiom, that is, something that is assumed to be true without proof. It is usually self-evident, but like Euclid's parallel postulate, need not be. A statement need not be true in all circumstances - for example, A*B = B*A (commutativity) is not necessarily true for matrix multiplication. A statement can be false. A statement can be self-contradictory for example, "This statement is false".

Is The decimal number 25.33 is an example of a terminating decimal true or false?

The statement is true.