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Q: An iceberg is bigger under water how many times bigger?
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Is there more iceberg over or under the water?


Where is most of an iceberg hidden?

under the water

What fraction of an iceberg is under water?

Nine tenths (9/10) of an iceberg is underwater.

How far do icebergs go down under the water?

An iceberg is 90% under the water.

How much of an iceberg remains under water?

about 7/8 to 6/7 is hidden under water

Why is it hard to determine the size of an iceberg?

Because up to 90% of an iceberg's mass is found under the water's surface

Is the underwater portion of an iceberg bigger than the portion that is visible above water?

No, typically the underwater portion of an iceberg is not bigger than the portion that is visible above water. Icebergs are known to have a larger portion underwater, but this is due to the difference in density between ice and seawater rather than the underwater portion being larger in size.

How far do icebergs go down under water?

Remembering that only about a tenth of any iceberg is above the water, Titanic's berg was about 96 feet above sea level.

The part of an iceberg which is below water is about seven times the size of the part above water What fraction of the iceberg is above water?

Since the part below the water is 7 times the size of the part above water, the total size of the iceberg can be divided into 8 equal parts (7 parts below water + 1 part above water). Therefore, the fraction of the iceberg above water is 1/8.

When the titanic hit the iceberg why didn't the iceberg sink?

Icebergs are huge masses of floating ice, and only about one-tenth of their volume is above water. The iceberg hit by Titanic likely had 100 times the ship's mass or more, and in any event would not "sink" under any circumstances.

Is more of an ice berg under or above?

Though ice is less dense than water but still more of an iceberg is below water due to enormous mass of the iceberg...

Which part of an iceburg is visible?

The visible part of an iceberg is called the iceberg's "tip" or "peak," which is above the water surface. However, this visible portion represents only about 10% of the entire iceberg, with the majority of its mass lying submerged beneath the water.