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Q: What fraction of an iceberg lie hidden under water?
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Where is most of an iceberg hidden?

under the water

What fraction of an iceberg lies hidden below the surface of the water?

Approximately 90% of an iceberg lies hidden below the surface of the water. This is due to the difference in density between ice and water, causing the iceberg to float with a significant portion submerged.

Nine tenths of an iceberg is hidden under water so what fraction can you see?

1/10 because 9/10 and 1/10 make 1 (a whole, in this case a whole iceberg).

What fraction of an iceberg is under water?

Nine tenths (9/10) of an iceberg is underwater.

How much of an iceberg remains under water?

about 7/8 to 6/7 is hidden under water

How far do icebergs go down under water?

Remembering that only about a tenth of any iceberg is above the water, Titanic's berg was about 96 feet above sea level.

Is there more of an iceberg under or over the water?

Approximately 90% of an iceberg's mass is underwater, with only about 10% visible above the surface. This is due to the lower density of ice compared to water. So, the majority of an iceberg is hidden beneath the water's surface.

What fraction of on iceberg is under water?

Typically, about 90% of an iceberg is underwater, while only about 10% is visible above the surface. This is because ice is less dense than seawater, causing most of the iceberg to remain submerged.

How much of an iceberg is visible above the water line?

Approximately 10% of an iceberg is visible above the water line, with the remaining 90% submerged below the surface. This is due to the lower density of ice compared to water, causing the iceberg to float with a significant portion hidden underwater.

Is there more iceberg over or under the water?


How much does a tip of iceberg show?

about 12.5 percent of an iceberg is above the water. That leaves the other 87.5 percent hidden from view.

The part of an iceberg which is below water is about seven times the size of the part above water What fraction of the iceberg is above water?

Since the part below the water is 7 times the size of the part above water, the total size of the iceberg can be divided into 8 equal parts (7 parts below water + 1 part above water). Therefore, the fraction of the iceberg above water is 1/8.