1, 3, 5 and 15.
All odd numbers have odd factors.
25 is an odd factor of 100.
60 is a even number.
60 is an even number and also a factor of itself
1, 3, 5 and 15.
I would call an odd number factor a factor that is an odd number. I would call a number with an odd number of factors a perfect square.
5 is an odd number and is a factor of 100
A square number has an odd number of factors, but a number with an odd number of factor pairs is nothing special.
All odd numbers have odd factors.
An odd factor is a number that cannot be divided by 2. if it can be divided by 2 it is an even factor or even number.
25 is an odd factor of 100.
An odd number can't have 12 as a factor. 528 does have 12 as a factor.
The greatest factor of a number is the number itself. So, the greatest factor of 60 is 60.
Square numbers have an odd number of factors, but beyond that, any odd number can be a factor.