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equals zero

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Q: Any positive or negative number multiplied by zero?
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Why is it when you multiply two negative integers that it is a positive answer?

Multiplying anything non-zero by a negative number changes the sign. A positive number multiplied by a negative number becomes negative. A negative number multiplied by a negative number becomes positive.

Why does the product of an integer multiplied by itself cannot be negative?

There are just three possible cases: Positive integer: positive x positive = positive. Negative integer: negative x negative = positive. Zero: zero x zero = zero.

Why does negative two plus positive two equal zero?

Because if a negative is multiplied by another negative it will always be positive. But, if a positive is multiplied or divided by a negative it will always be negative. If the two signs are the same and or being multiplied or divided they will be positive. If the two signs are different and or being multiplied or divided will be negative. True, but the question is not about multiplication, but addition. i like to think of it like this on a number line there are positives and negatives -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 if you added 2 to zero you move up to the number positive 2 then move down two number, which represents subtracting two or negative two. you should end up on zero

What is a positive or negative number?

A positive numbe is a number above zero and a negative number is a number below zero.

Is a negative and a positive a positive?

In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.

Is it possible for the product of two consecutive integers to be negative?

No, a negative times a negative would be a positive and a positive times a positive would also be positive, and anything multiplied by zero would still be zero

What is a positive and What is a negative?

In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.

What is zero multiplied by negative 5?

Any number multiplied by zero gives a product of 0.

Is zero a negative number?

No. A negative number is a number below zero, not zero itself.The number zero is neither negative nor positive.

Name some properties of zero?

A number plus zero equals the original number. A number minus zero equals the original number. A number multiplied by zero equals zero. A number cannot be divided by zero. Zero is the only number that is neither positive nor negative. Zero represents the boundary between positive and negative numbers. Zero is the natural starting point on many scales, such as on thermometers. Zero is the common point of coordinate axes.

What does negative and positive mean?

A positive number is greater than zero; a negative number is less than zero.

Is zero a member of the set of positive integers?

No. Zero is neither positive nor negative, by definition. A positive number is greater than zero. A negative number is less than zero. Although, zero is a non-negative number (a set that includes all positive numbers and zero).