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No. Zero is neither negative nor positive.

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Q: Can there be such number as negative zero?
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Is zero a negative number?

No. A negative number is a number below zero, not zero itself.The number zero is neither negative nor positive.

You Can be a positive number a negative number or a zero but never a decimal or fraction?

i can be a negative number a negative number or a zero but i am never a decimal or fraction

What is a number less than zero?

A negative number is less than zero.

What is a positive or negative number?

A positive numbe is a number above zero and a negative number is a number below zero.

The sum of a negative number and zero?

The negative number.

What is negative number?

A negative number is when its below zero. a negative number is a number below 0. Example: -5, -2.2, etc.

How do you make a number that is not zero become zero?

multiply it by zero, or add its inverse {the negative of the number} Note that the inverse of a negative number is positive.

Is there such thing as a negative zero?

actually there is a negative zero on the number line.

What is a negative?

A negative can be a negative zero. A negative zero is a number below zero. PS:If you are asking the "negative" in Science, I am not sure of the answer.

What is a positive and What is a negative?

In math, a positive is a number greater then zero, and a negative number is less than zero.

What is a negative number minus a negative number?

The result can be positive, negative, or zero.

When a number is positive?

A positive number is any number above zero. A negative number is any number below zero. Zero is not a positive or a negative number. A number's opposite is just the negative. For example: 8's opposite is -8 (negative 8). Hope this helped!