No, they are not relatively prime.
Yes. 37 is a prime number, and 93 is not a multiple of 37.
No combination of non-zero even numbers can be relatively prime.
37 is a prime number, so since 42 can not be divided by 37 evenly, they are indeed relatively prime.
No - 27 can be divided by 3 & 9. 42 can be divided by 2, 3, 6 & 7
No, 42 and 108 are not relatively prime. Two even numbers cannot be relatively prime.
No, they are not relatively prime.
No, they are not relatively prime.
No, they are not relatively prime.
Yes. 37 is a prime number, and 93 is not a multiple of 37.
No combination of non-zero even numbers can be relatively prime.
37 is a prime number, so since 42 can not be divided by 37 evenly, they are indeed relatively prime.
The prime factors of 42 are 2, 3, and 7. It should be relatively easy to enter them.
No they have common factor of 3