37 is already prime. 93 is 3 x 31 There are no prime factors in common, the GCF is 1.
37 is a prime number, so since 42 can not be divided by 37 evenly, they are indeed relatively prime.
No - neither number is a prime ! 42 divides by 2, 3 & 7 - and 93 divides by 3 !
The greatest common factor of 37 and 93 is 1. The factors of 37 are 1 and 37. The factors of 93 are 1, 3, and 21. 1 is the greatest common factor of 37 and 93.
No, they are not relatively prime.
37 is already prime. 3 x 31 = 93 No common prime factors, the GCF is 1.
37: 37 (it's a prime number)93: 3 x 31
Infinitely many numbers are relatively prime to 37. Because 37 is a prime number, all other numbers are relatively prime to it.
37 is a prime number, as its only factors are 1 and 37. 93 is composite, as its factors are 1, 3, 31 and 93.
37 is a prime and 93 is not a multiple of 37 so the gcf of 37 and 93 is 1.
Yes, 37 and 150 are relatively prime because there are no factors that the two of them share, making them not individually prime but together; relatively prime.
The number 37 is a prime number and 93 is not evenly divisible by 37. 37 and 93 have no GCF.
37 is already prime. 93 is 3 x 31 There are no prime factors in common, the GCF is 1.
They are both prime numbers
37 is a prime number, so since 42 can not be divided by 37 evenly, they are indeed relatively prime.