Yes. A parallelogram is effectively a rectangle that doesn't have right angles.
Yes. A parallelogram has congruent opposite sides as well as congruent opposite angles.
every parallelogram
Only a parallelogram. You can technically say a square does as well, although all sides are congruent in a square (compared to the parallelogram with two sets of opposite sides congruent).
A rhombus
Yes, the opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
Yes. A parallelogram has congruent opposite sides as well as congruent opposite angles.
A parallelogram is a quadrelateral with opposite sides parallel and congruent.
Yes - opposite sides of a parallelogram are congruent.
Parallelograms have sides. Opposite sides are congruent.
A parallelogram has two pairs of congruent sides, and the opposite sides are congruent.
If two opposite sides are congruent in length and direction then they are parallel sides. THat would mean the other two sides are congruent making 4 parallel sides or a parallelogram
Parallelogram opposite sides are congruent opposite sides parallel
every parallelogram
If a quadrilateral has two pairs of opposite congruent sides, then the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.