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Q: Are all cross section shapes that are parallel or perpendicular to one of the vase of a?
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What is Perpendicular and Parallel?

Perpendicular is when two lines cross... Parallel is when two lines never meet.... _____________ _____________ = PARALLEL LINES If they cross they are perpendicular, if they don't, they are parallel.

All cross-sectional shapes that are parallel or perpendicular to one of the bases of a what are also congruent to one another?


Two lines are perpendicular if they are parallel and cross?

Parallel lines are never perpendicular. Perpendicular lines are co-planar and cross at right angles.

Why is it important to know the difference between parallel vs perpendicular?

perpendicular cross parallel do not

What has a circular cross section when the cross section is taken parallel?

A cylinder has a circular cross section that is parallel to its base.

What solid figure has the same cross section when its sliced by a plane parallel to its base as when it is sliced by a plane perpendicular to its base?


What is a cross section of a cone?

Circle: If the knife is perpendicular to the axis of the cone.Ellipse: If the knife is between (perpendicular to the axis of the cone) and (parallel to the side of the cone).Parabola: If the knife is between (parallel to the side of the cone) and (parallel to the axis of the cone).Hyperbola: If the knife is parallel to the axis of the cone.Triangle: If the knife is perpendicular to the base of the cone.Point: If the knife is parallel to the base the cone and through the apex

If you slice a rectangular pyramid perpendicular to the base but NOT through the apex what will be the shape of the cross section?

It will be one of:a triangle if where the cross section cuts the base is through two adjacent sides;an irregular quadrilateral if where the cross section cuts the base is through two opposite sides but not parallel to a side of the base; ora trapezium if where the is the cross section cuts the base is parallel to a side of the base.

All cross-sectional shapes that are parallel or perpendicular to one of the bases of a ______ are also congruent to one another?

A) Prism. B) Polygon. C) Cube. D) Pyramid.

Can perpendicular lines be parallel lines?

It is impossible for parallel lines to be perpendicular. Perpendicular lines are intersecting lines, meaning that they cross each other. Parallel lines, on the other hand, are lines that never meet, no matter how far they are extended in either direction. So intersecting lines (which includes perpendicular lines) and parallel lines are exact opposites. Parallel lines will never meet or cross; they cannot be perpendicular.

What is the perpendicular cross section of a rectangular prism?

It is a rectangle.

What shapes have exactly one plane of symmetry?

Shapes with an irregular cross-section.