Yes, every fraction is a ratio of the numerator to denominator. The word rational (in rational number) has as its root ratio.
Yes. In fact, fractions can be thought of as vertical ratios.
Fractions are ratios. Equivalent fractions form a proportion.
-- All proper fractions are not equal to 4.12 , -- Of the infinite supply of improper fractions, all of them are not equal to 4.12 except only 103/25 and other ratios of (a multiple of 103)/(the same multiple of 25).
Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.Yes, provided you consider fractions and percentages as ratios.
All ratios can be written as fractions.
They can all look like fractions.
Yes. In fact, fractions can be thought of as vertical ratios.
Fractions are ratios. Equivalent fractions form a proportion.
Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value.For example:3/15= 2/10= 1/5 The fractions below are all equivalent.
Every ratio has a corresponding fraction and a percentage value.
Convert them to fractions.
The strategies for writing equivalent ratios is the same as writing equivalent fractions.
fractions can't be written as a mixed number because it's already a fraction but im not sure about ratios.
-- All proper fractions are not equal to 4.12 , -- Of the infinite supply of improper fractions, all of them are not equal to 4.12 except only 103/25 and other ratios of (a multiple of 103)/(the same multiple of 25).