No, they are both even and odd. The numbers 18 and 36 are examples of even numbers divisible by nine.
Nope. Only even numbers are divisible by 2 and 849 is odd (since 9 is odd).
Yes; all numbers that are divisible by 9 are divisible by 3.
All numbers divisible by 3 are NOT divisible by 9. As an example, 6, which is divisible by 3, is not divisible by 9. However, all numbers divisible by 9 are also divisible by 3 because 9 is divisible by 3.
While all prime numbers are odd (except 2), not all odd numbers are prime. 9 for example is an odd number, but you can get it by multiplying 3X3, so it is not prime. Odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2. Prime numbers are numbers that cannot be generated by multiplying 2 whole numbers besides 1 and itself.
For starters, the number 3 is divisible by 3 but not by 2. Next, 9, 27 etc. All the odd multiples of 3 are divisible by 3 but not 2. So there is an infinite number of numbers that are divisible by 3 and not 2.
No. 2 x 9 is the first even one. What's the next even one?
Many odd numbers are divisible by 3. 3 itself for example, as well as 9, 15, 21, 27, ... Being odd and being divisible by three are not related.
NO. Odd numbers are not always divisible by 5. Examples: 3 , 7, 9, 11, 13, 17, ... are odd numbers and they are not divisible by 5.
Nope. Only even numbers are divisible by 2 and 849 is odd (since 9 is odd).
Yes; all numbers that are divisible by 9 are divisible by 3.
All numbers divisible by 3 are NOT divisible by 9. As an example, 6, which is divisible by 3, is not divisible by 9. However, all numbers divisible by 9 are also divisible by 3 because 9 is divisible by 3.
While all prime numbers are odd (except 2), not all odd numbers are prime. 9 for example is an odd number, but you can get it by multiplying 3X3, so it is not prime. Odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2. Prime numbers are numbers that cannot be generated by multiplying 2 whole numbers besides 1 and itself.
For starters, the number 3 is divisible by 3 but not by 2. Next, 9, 27 etc. All the odd multiples of 3 are divisible by 3 but not 2. So there is an infinite number of numbers that are divisible by 3 and not 2.
Yes. Test a couple numbers divisible by 9--27, 81--and they are all divisible by 3.
All numbers divisible by 9 are divisible by 3; since 9 = 3 x 3 all multiples of 9 are also multiples of 3. However, all numbers divisible by 3 are not divisible by 9, eg 6 = 2 x 3 but 6 is not divisible by 9 (since 6 is not a multiple of 9) - it only takes one counter example to disprove a theory.
no, 18 is divisible by 9 but not by 4.