While all prime numbers are odd (except 2), not all odd numbers are prime. 9 for example is an odd number, but you can get it by multiplying 3X3, so it is not prime. Odd numbers are numbers that are not divisible by 2. Prime numbers are numbers that cannot be generated by multiplying 2 whole numbers besides 1 and itself.
The smallest odd prime is 3.The smallest prime is even and is 2.1 is not a prime: although it is 1 times itself, a prime is a number which has exactly two different factorsWith 1, there is only 1 factor (1, the number itself), so it is not a prime.
The numbers between 10 and 20 that are not prime are 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18. So 15 is the odd number and the rest are even numbers.
The lowest odd prime number is 3 .
NO,2 is the only prime number which is even, so 2 is not a odd prime number.
odd is a number you cant halve a prime number is a number that you can double itself and it is odd
The smallest odd prime is 3.The smallest prime is even and is 2.1 is not a prime: although it is 1 times itself, a prime is a number which has exactly two different factorsWith 1, there is only 1 factor (1, the number itself), so it is not a prime.
All prime numbers are odd except for 2 which is the only even prime number
The numbers between 10 and 20 that are not prime are 12, 14, 15, 16 and 18. So 15 is the odd number and the rest are even numbers.
How about: 105
That would be 103.
3 is the smallest odd prime number.