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Q: Are all particles of the same shape?
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Democritus theorized that all matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles called atoms. He believed that these atoms were all the same in substance but differed in size, shape, and arrangement, giving rise to the diversity of matter observed in the world.

Are koalas the same shape?

Yes. All koalas are essentially the same shape.

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What type of particles shapes and volumes characterize solids liquids and gases?

A solid has a definite shape and volume and the particles in a solid stay in the same position relative to each other. A liquid has a definite volume, but not a definite shape, and the particles in a liquid slide past and over each other. A gas has neither a definite shape nor volume but fills the entire container it is in. The particles in a gas move all around and bounce off each other and the walls of the container.

What are all sides are equal have the same length?

the shape is a regular shape if it has all the same angles and side lengths.

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Are all gas particles in places the same?

No, they are not.

What is the difference between solid liquid gases in mass?

Solids have a fixed shape and volume, with particles arranged closely together. Liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of their container, with particles flowing past each other. Gases have neither a fixed shape nor volume, with particles widely spaced and moving freely.

What shape has 4 sides all the same shape?

a cube

All particles in a pure material are the same true or false?

False. A pure material may consist of particles that are the same in terms of their chemical composition, but they can vary in terms of their size, shape, and energy levels.

Why do solids hold their shape but liquids of and gases of the same element do not?

Solids have particles that are closely packed and have strong forces of attraction between them, resulting in a fixed shape. In contrast, liquids and gases have particles that are further apart with weaker forces of attraction, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container.

How are liquid particles gas particles and ice particles the same?

They are all made of matter; just in different states.