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Q: Are all particles of the same shape?
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What are all sides are equal have the same length?

the shape is a regular shape if it has all the same angles and side lengths.

How are liquid particles gas particles and ice particles the same?

They are all made of matter; just in different states.

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Are all moons the same shape?

No they are not

Are all bird beaks the same size and shape?

All sizes and shape of birds are not the same,sometimes there are small and sometimes there are big....

What does a regular shape mean?

a shape with all there sides the same legth

What do you call it when all of the SIDES of a shape are the same length?

Isometric shape

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How are the particles in a liquid different from the particles in a solid?

a gas have no definite shape so the particles can move around freely but in a liquid ,which has a definite shape, particles move around but are restricted

Do all bird of paradise have bills the same shape?

If you are talking about the Bird of Paradise plant. Yes, they all have the same shape flower and bill.

How are quark and subatomic particles the same?

All are particles of matter; quarks are the components of protons and neutrons and are considered as fundamental fermionic particles.

Are all viruses the same shape and size?
