THere are many Different shapes and sizes of Virus' ... See here:
Viruses have different geometrical shapes, such as helical and polyhedral shapes. A particular polyhedral shape common to many viruses is a dodecahedron shape. This is a geometric shape that has 12 sides.
a cube
For computer viruses, they have no physical shape, they are a string or program of codes that are made to effect files Regular viruses have a shape, but they are not needed as they dont effect what they do. Viruses just look like any bacterium, or in a spiderlike form.
a triangular pyramid.
No, viruses come in all shapes. Google T even viruses, adenoviruses, HIV and other retroviruses and see all the different shapes viruses can come in. Round capsids to space ship lander shaped capsids.
Like all influenza viruses it has a roughly spherical shape.
THere are many Different shapes and sizes of Virus' ... See here:
Viral meningitis has no set shape. There are a variety of viruses that can cause viral meningitis, all a different shape.
Yes. All koalas are essentially the same shape.
Are all orbits the same shape????
the shape is a regular shape if it has all the same angles and side lengths.
Viruses have different geometrical shapes, such as helical and polyhedral shapes. A particular polyhedral shape common to many viruses is a dodecahedron shape. This is a geometric shape that has 12 sides.
The shape of viruses varies greatly. They can be shaped like small balls (spherical viruses) like strands of spaghetti (flexous viruses) rigid rods, like bullets (baciliform viruses) and like geometric shapes (isocohedral viruses) The smallest viruses can be as small as 20nm (20/1,000,000 of a mm) to as much as 2,000 nm for some flexous plant viruses.
a cube