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Q: Are any of these sets closed under multiplication?
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What is closed under multiplication means?

A set is closed under multiplication if for any two elements, x and y, in the set, their product, x*y, is also a member of the set.

Are rational numbers closed under multiplication?

Rational numbers are closed under multiplication, because if you multiply any rational number you will get a pattern. Rational numbers also have a pattern or terminatge, which is good to keep in mind.

Which set is closed under the operation multiplication?

Any set where the result of the multiplication of any two members of the set is also a member of the set. Well known examples are: the natural numbers (ℕ), the integers (ℤ), the rational numbers (ℚ), the real numbers (ℝ) and the complex numbers (ℂ) - all closed under multiplication.

What numbers are closed under multiplication?

Yes: Multiplying any two counting numbers will produce a counting number.

Why is the set of -1 0 and 1 closed under multiplication?

Because the product of any two elements is also an element of the set.

Are irrational numbers closed under multiplication?

No. To say a set is closed under multiplication means that if you multiply any two numbers in the set, the result is always a member of the set. If, say, the 2 numbers are radical 2 and radical 2 we have (1.4142...)(1.4142...) which by definition equals 2. The result is not an irrational number, so the set is not closed.

What are the properties of number?

Different sets of numbers have different properties. For example,The set of counting numbers is closed under addition but not under subtraction.The set of integers is closed under addition, subtraction and multiplication but not under division.Rational numbers are closed under all four basic operations of arithmetic, but not for square roots.A set S is "closed" with respect to operation # if whenever x and y are any two elements of S, then x#y is also in S. y = 0 is excluded for division.So, the answer depends on what you mean by "number".

Can you square any number?

That depends what set of numbers you are thinking of; but in the case of the sets commonly used - integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers - such sets are closed under multiplication, meaning that you can multiply any number in the set by any number in the set, so there is nothing to stop you multiplying such a number by itself.

Why are whole numbers closed under multiplication?

Because if X and Y are any two whole number, then X*Y is also a whole number. Always.

Is the set of all negative numbers closed under the operation of multiplication Explain why or why not?

No. For a set to be closed with respect to an operation, the result of applying the operation to any elements of the set also must be in the set. The set of negative numbers is not closed under multiplication because, for example (-1)*(-2)=2. In that example, we multiplied two numbers that were in the set (negative numbers) and the product was not in the set (it is a positive number). On the other hand, the set of all negative numbers is closed under the operation of addition because the sum of any two negative numbers is a negatoive number.

Is the set of odd numbers closed under multiplication?

Yes.To say a set is closed under multiplication means that if you multiply any 2 numbers in the set, the answer will always be a member of the set. When you multiply 2 odd numbers, the answer is always an odd number, so the set is closed.It must be the same person asking these questions!Read more: Is_the_set_of_odd_integers_closed_under_subtraction

What are irrational numbers closed under?

Irrational numbers are not closed under any of the fundamental operations. You can always find cases where you add two irrational numbers (for example), and get a rational result. On the other hand, the set of real numbers (which includes both rational and irrational numbers) is closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication - and if you exclude the zero, under division.