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it depends on the size of them but normally apricots are bigger

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Q: Are apricots larger than an orange?
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Are apricots bigger than apples?

sometimes but if the apple isnt little apple from annoying orange apples are the larger fruit

What color are apricots?

Apricots are typically orange or yellow in color when ripe. Unripe apricots can also be green.

What foods are orange in color?

Oranges! Mandarines, apricots, Marmalade, lollipops, pumpkins, papaya,

Why a peel orange cant float?

Larger density than water.

Does a bigger orange have more juice than a smaller orange?

Assuming that both have contents that are equally juicy, then yes, a larger orange will contain more juice than a smaller one.

Nutritional facts about apricots?

Apricots are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamin A, and vitamin C. They also contain minerals such as potassium and antioxidants that can help promote overall health and protect against chronic diseases. Consuming apricots regularly can support digestion, eye health, and immune function.

Is an orange part of the rose family?

apples, pears, quinces, plums, apricots,peaches, nectarines, almonds, strawberries, blackberries, and raspberries.

Does dried fruit have calcium?

Yes, dried fruits like figs and apricots can be sources of calcium. However, the calcium content may vary depending on the type of dried fruit. Additionally, some dried fruits are fortified with calcium during processing.

Are apricots dried peaches?

Dried apricots are apricots, not peaches. Apricots are a different fruit. You can buy fresh apricots at the grocery store; they actually are quite good.

Are apricots a vegetable?

No apricots are fruit.

What color is apricots?

is a yellowish-orangish like the fruit apricot. So it is a Greek word. And also i has been used as a color name since. Did you know it was similar to the color of apricots?? Last did u know the it had a big seed in the middle of it. When u cut open there it is. Wow loll so that is what a apricot is.

When in August is mars as big as the moon?

Mars never gets much larger than an orange coloured point of light