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Beta particles can be either positive or negative. It depends if an electron or a positrion is emited. Usually though, beta particles are negative as it is much more common for an electron to be emitted (though that does depend on the substance).

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Q: Are beta particles positive or negative?
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Related questions

What type of charge does beta radiation have?

Beta radiation can have a negative charge (β-) or a positive charge (β+). Negative beta particles are electrons, while positive beta particles are positrons.

What are Beta particles have a charge?

Beta particles can have a positive or negative charge. In beta-minus decay, a neutron turns into a proton, emitting a beta-minus particle (electron) with a negative charge. In beta-plus decay, a proton transforms into a neutron, releasing a beta-plus particle (positron) with a positive charge.

Why beta rays get negative?

Beta rays do not have a negative charge. Beta particles (electrons or positrons) emitted during beta decay can have a negative or positive charge, depending on whether it is an electron or a positron. The negative charge is carried by the electron beta particle.

Why are beta alpha particles deflected when pass the magnetic field?

Beta particles are deflected in a magnetic field due to their electric charge. Beta particles are either negative (beta-) or positive (beta+) charged, so they experience a force when passing through a magnetic field, causing them to be deflected from their original path.

What is a charge of beta?

A beta charge refers to the charge carried by a beta particle, which can be either a beta minus (electron) with a charge of -1 or a beta plus (positron) with a charge of +1. Beta decay is a type of radioactive decay process involving the emission of beta particles.

What is the charge of beta particles?

Beta Particles have a negative charge,In Beta decay a neutron changes into a proton and a beta particle, an electron.

Beta particles are attracted by atomic nuclei because?

Beta particles are electrons. Electrons have a negative charge. Nuclei are protons, with a positive charge, and neutrons, with no charge; thus the nucleus is positively charged. Positively charged particles are attracted to negatively charged particles, and vice versa.

What are three types of beta decay?

The three types of beta decay are beta-minus decay (emission of an electron), beta-plus decay (emission of a positron), and electron capture (where a proton captures an electron and converts into a neutron).

Are Beta ray Negative or Positive?

Beta particles can be both positively AND negatively charged; theyare either high-energy, high-speed electrons (negative standard charge) or positrons (positive standard charge) emitted by certain types of radioactive nuclei such as potassium-40 ( 40K)

What charge does an object have if it has more negative particles than positive particles?

The object would have a negative charge if it has more negative particles than positive particles. This is because the excess negative particles result in an overall negative charge.

Is beta radiation usually positive or negative?

Negative: it can kill you!

How many types of rays emmited from radio-active elements And which type of charge they have?

There are three main types of rays emitted from radioactive elements: alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha particles have a positive charge, beta particles have a negative charge, and gamma rays have no charge.