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They attract

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Q: How do positive and negative particles react?
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Related questions

What charge does an object have if it has more negative particles than positive particles?

The object would have a negative charge if it has more negative particles than positive particles. This is because the excess negative particles result in an overall negative charge.

What particles has a negative charge and which has a positive charge?

Particles with a negative charge include electrons. Positive charges are associated with protons.

Can a negative donate blood to A positive?

No, an O Positive person cannot donate to an A Negative person because the person who is Negative, or Rh Negative, will react to the Positive (Rh Positive) blood. Negative can only get Negative, Positive can get Positive or Negative.

How do a positive and a negative particle react?


Is there any negative charge on a positive charged object?

Any "object" larger than elementary particles consists of positive and negative charges. If your object has a negative charge, it simply has more particles with a negative charge than particles with a positive charge.

What kind of charge does an object have if it has more negative particles than positive particles?

The object would have a negative charge. Negative particles, such as electrons, carry a negative charge when they outnumber the positive particles, such as protons.

What are the three types of charges that particles can have?

Particles can have positive, negative, or neutral charges. Positive charges are carried by protons, negative charges by electrons, and neutral particles have an equal number of protons and electrons.

What are the particles charges?

Zero, positive or negative.

Particles in atoms can be?


How can atoms be neutral if they have charged particles?

because in their neutral state the number of positive particles is equal to the number of negative particles and the magnitude of a single positive charge is the same as the magnitude of a single negative charge in short the positive and negative charges cancel each other out

Are beta particles positive or negative?

Beta particles can be either positive or negative. It depends if an electron or a positrion is emited. Usually though, beta particles are negative as it is much more common for an electron to be emitted (though that does depend on the substance).

What particles are attracted as a result of the electrostatic force?

Charged particles such as electrons and protons are attracted to each other as a result of the electrostatic force. Positive charges are attracted to negative charges, while particles with like charges (positive-positive, negative-negative) repel each other.