All angles are based on a scale of 360 degrees read around the edge of a circle.
The angles around circles add up to 360 degrees
No, an octagon is not made up of right angles but of obtuse angles. It is made up of 8, 135 degree angles.
no, circles don't have any angles!
circles have no sides or angles
Four (4) angles and four (4) sides.
The angles around circles add up to 360 degrees
No, circles do not have angles.
No, an octagon is not made up of right angles but of obtuse angles. It is made up of 8, 135 degree angles.
Protractors have to be half- circles because they measure angles less than 360 degrees.
A protractor measures the degree of angles and circles.
no, circles don't have any angles!
Squares are made up of four ninety degree angles. Another term for these angles are called square angles. These four internal angles make up a square which also has four equal sides. When you add up the degrees of the angles the total is three hundred and sixty degrees.
Finding degrees of angles, or for drawing circles.
circles have no sides or angles
360 degrees in a circle
It has no angles because circles are not common shapes. Well they're common but they don't have ANY sides, angles, OR CORNERS!