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The set of complex numbers encompasses real, imaginary, and combinations of the two, so it is the largest set that you are likely to encounter. There are other number systems, such as quaternion imaginaries, which you may never encounter, so I only mention it here and you can look it up for more info if you're interested.

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Q: Are complex numbers the greatest number system?
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What is the difference between a complex number and a non real complex number?

Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.Think of the complex numbers as points on a coordinate system. Instead of the usual x-axis you have the real numbers, instead of the y-axis, you have the imaginary numbers.The real numbers are on the horizontal axis.The imaginary numbers are on the vertical axis.The complex numbers are any number on the plane.The non-real complex are, of course, any complex numbers that are not on the real number axis - not on the horizontal axis.

What are the sets of numbers that are part of the complex number system?

Real number set, imaginary number set, and their subsets.

What kind of number system is a square root?

A square root is not a number system. Square roots of non-negative numbers may be rational or irrational, but they all belong to the set of real numbers. The square roots of negative numbers do not. To include them, the number system needs to be extended to the complex numbers.

What is the difference between a complex number and real number system?

Graphically the difference is quite clear: the real numbers can be put on a line, the so-called number-line; while complex numbers are represented as points on a plane. A complex number is made up of two parts, like a vector in two dimensions.

What are the complex number system?

The set of complex numbers consists of real numbers and imaginary numbers (multiples of the square root of -1), and then a combination of the two sets of numbers. Complex numbers are often depicted graphically, with real numbers on the horizontal axis, and imaginary numbers on the vertical axis. See related link for more information.

What are the Uses of natural numbers?

They are used for counting things. Also, they form the basis for the rest of the number system: the integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, complex numbers, quaternioins.

What are numbers expressed in the decimal system?

All real numbers can be represented in the decimal system. Complex numbers can be represented by a pair of numbers in the decimal system.

What is -0.567 on the number system?

In the number system , there are decimal numbers, fractions,rational numbers , irrational numbers , negative and positive numbers.-0.567 on the number system is negative number.

How do we use complex and imaginary numbers?

Among other things, complex numbers play an important role:* In electrical circuits - quantities in AC circuits are described by complex numbers. * In quantum mechanics - the "probability amplitude" is an important concept in quantum mechanics, and it is described by a complex number. * In art - for example, the Mandelbrot set is based on calculations with complex numbers.

What is number integer and real number are stored in memory explain?

The number system consists of real numbers. Real numbers are further divided into rational numbers and irrational numbers. Rational numbers consist of numbers(1-9) and integers(1.5, 3.7, 70.7, etc.) Irrational numbers are complex numbers(square roots of few numbers)

What is the limit of infinity over zero?

infinity? Infinity over zero is undefined, or complex infinity depending on numbers you are including in your number system.

Why is the least whole number with 6 digits greater than the greatest whole number with 5 digits?

Because in our system of numbers 100,000 is greater than 99,999.