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pretty sure

Added: Proponents on both sides of the gun issue will have their own views, however, statistically, the instances of assaults and violent crime drop in states where concealed carry laws have proliferated.

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Q: Are guns a deterrent to crime?
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Deter in a sentence?

People argue that the death penalty is not a deterrent to crime.

Does this make sense Are humans deterrent to crime?

No.deterrent is a noun so there is usually a/an or the before a noun.So this sentence is grammatically correct:Are humans a deterrent to crime?This has the meaning do humans deter/stop/curb/restrain crime. Yes, this is possible police are humans and they probably deter crime, maybe also other people can influence somebody and stop them from committing a crime.

Why do people think there should be no guns?

Because they think if there were no guns, there would be no crime. Unfortunately, there has been crime since long before there were guns.

How do you use deter in a sentence?

The price of the car was the only deterrent in the decision not to buy it. The main deterrent in committing a crime is going to jail.

Can guns protect us?

Obviously, if used responsibly, guns can be used to protect people. A gun is a tool; used for the purpose it was intended, it can be a deterrent or can be used for defense.

Is the death penalty an effective deterrent to crime or an inappropriate punishment in modern civilised society?

Yes it is

What is a better crime deterrent a dog or a security system?

a quality security system that you actually USE!

Can we stop crime by punishment?

Highly doubtful. Some criminals don't actually care that they could be incarcerated - meaning that jail is not really a deterrent against crime.

What are the conequences of guns?

crime, safety, food

How do three strikes laws provide a deterrent to crime?

They increase the severity and length of punishment.Added: The more crime you commit the more llikely you are to receive a more harsh sentence.

Do guns necessarily lead to crime?

No. There was crime before there were guns. I collect guns. My children and grandchildren are hunters and target shooters. I do not commit crimes, nor does my family. People that want to commit crimes will do so, with or without a gun.

How many fatal shootings daily in USa?

not as many as the media would have you believe. there are more guns used to prevent crime from happening rather than guns used for crime.