Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths = 0.00068
Eight-hundred sixty-thousand (860,000).
Sixty-eight and four tenths
Seven and sixty eight one hundredths
There are 9 5/7 days in sixty-eight days.
sixty eight rooms
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths = 0.00068
Nine hundred sixty-eight.
Eight hundred sixty-eight and eleven hundredths.
The number 76 is "seventy-six."
Eight-hundred sixty-thousand (860,000).
Sixty-eight and four tenths
seven hundred sixty eight thousand = 768,000 seven hundred sixty eight thousandths = 0.768
In words it is sixty-three point zero nine eight. Or sixty-three and ninety-eight thousandths.
Five hundred and sixty point zero eight, or five hundred and sixty and eight hundredths
The square of eight is sixty four - not me!