

Are height and altitude the same?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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12y ago

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Almost. Altitude pretty much sounds as if it [only] originates from the readings as provided by an Altimeter - and this is based upon the Barometer which is in turn based upon the measurement of Atmospheric Pressure [Higher Altitude means Lower Pressure].

Height will continue to increase as you rise in elevation. Altitude will do the same only as long as there is an Atmosphere present.

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Height, how high you are

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No, an altitude is a height above sea level.

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Possibly "altitude" is the word you're thinking of.

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Elevation and altitude are often used interchangeably, but technically they are slightly different. Elevation refers to the height above a specific reference point, such as sea level, while altitude typically refers to the height above the earth's surface. However, in most practical scenarios, they refer to the same concept of height above a given point.

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True, because the slant height and the altitude, or height, of the pyramid form one leg and the hypotenuse of a triangle withing the pyramid, and the hypotenuse of a triangle is always the longest side- it is not possible for the hypotenuse to be equal to the legs of a right triangle. (It is a right triangle because an altitude is perpendicular to the base of a pyramid.)

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The measure of height above the Earth's surface is called altitude. This can refer to altitudes in aviation, geography, or astronomy, depending on the context.