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Yes, anything with 'meter' such as kilometer, meter, centimeter, decimeter, millimeter, etc. is a unit of measurement in the metric system.

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Q: Are millimeters metric units of measurement?
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Which are metric units of measurement centimeters millimeters meters or kilometers?

The metre is the fundamental unit, but they are all metric units.

What units are metric units?

Metric units include millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, and meters.

How long is 6mm in imperial units?

6 millimeters is a metric unit. When converted to imperial units 6 millimeters is equal to a little less than one-forth of an inch. 6 millimeters is preferred due to to the measurement being more exact.

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What is metric mesument?

Metric measurement is measurement made using units as defined under the metric system.

What is the definition of metric converison?

"Metric conversion" refers to the change from English units of measurement to metric units.

How are metric units of measurement used in the laboratory?

base on what you measure to use the metric units.

Convert linear feet to metric metric measurement.?

1 foot = 304.8 millimeters

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MM is a measurement in the metric system. Caliber is a measurement in inches.

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The scientific mesurment for length is?

The scientific measurement for length is typically done using the metric system, where the unit of measurement is the meter. Other common units for length include centimeters, kilometers, and millimeters. Length can also be measured using non-metric units such as feet or inches in the imperial system.