As space is infinite, no one could possibly answer that. We have difficulty seeing objects as large as Jupiter once we go outside our solar system, let alone another galaxy - we have no chance of seeing pebbles.
So, if we take a purely mathematical guess and say there is a fairly equal chance that there will be a fairly even graduation from the smallest to the largest, and we take what we consider is the largest item in space (200 million light-years wide giant green jelly fish - actaully its a Lyman alpha blob - and not really a single object but a gas cloud) there has to be more thing between a pebble (say 100g) and 2E8 Light Years than there are between a single molecule of dust and a pebble.
Doesnt have to mean a thing. Bodies are rarely perfectly symmetrical.
Dead Bodies. The pyramids protected the dead bodies.
100% of bodies were never founf in ww1 - or at any other time.
so its easier to get over the bar. think about it. when they curve their backs, its easier to get their bodies over the bar. if they just go straight out, their bodies wont make it.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. They have smaller bodies, so their boobs look bigger and unproportional. (:
butterfly's have a bigger wing span, but some grasshoppers have larger bodies.
Particles of soil and rock that are carried along in water are called sediment. They can include a range of sizes, from tiny clay particles to larger pebbles and boulders. Sediment transport is an important process in shaping the landscape and can contribute to erosion and deposition in rivers and other water bodies.
As far as I know, it's because the gravitational pull of the planet they are close to. They are closer to the planet; therefore the pull is greater to the planet.
because they have smaller legs and smaller head and bodies which is heavy for their body!
They do. It is called gravity
A planet is bigger than an asteroid. Planets are celestial bodies that orbit a star, like the sun, whereas asteroids are smaller rocky objects that orbit the sun.
An ocean is larger in size and depth compared to a sea. Oceans are massive bodies of saltwater that cover a significant portion of the Earth's surface, while seas are smaller, partially enclosed bodies of water that are usually connected to oceans.
Yes, a star is generally much larger than a planet. Stars are massive celestial bodies that generate light and heat through nuclear fusion, whereas planets are smaller bodies that orbit stars.
There are not any clear or standard definitions for bodies of water, but in general a gulf is smaller than a sea, but there are exceptions: The Gulf of Mexico is much bigger than the Adriatic Sea.
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small dancers have smaller bodies, so they are more capable of doing fast things large dancers have bigger bodies, so they are more capable of doing slow things