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Q: Does smaller bodies hold less heat than bigger bodies?
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How many gallons of water do lakes hold?

It all depends on the size of the lake because there are the grate lake which are really big and then there's smaller lake that are in peoples backyard

A cube one centimeter on a side can hold one milliliter of water How many such cubes fit in a bigger cube that is one meter on each side How many liters would the cube hold?

1 000 000 cubes would be held. 1 000 litres of water.

Did they use horese in world war1?

yes and no, because when WWI started they were just beginning to militarize cars but they also used horses and occasionally carriges to transport troops and supplies. cars were mostly used to hold cannons and bigger weapons that a horse or carriage wouldn't normally hold.

What is the difference between 'Undisputed Linear' and 'Interim' Champions in boxing?

"Undisputed" means you hold all of the 4 major sanctioning bodies titles at the same time (WBC, WBA, IBF and WBO). "Linear" means that you hold beat the champion who was last undisputed, but had titles taken away from sanctioning bodies for not paying the fee to the sanctioning body or not facing their determined #1 contender. "Interim" refers to someone who wins a title without beating the current champion. this happens when a champion is injured and cannot defend his title for a long period of time, and is then stripped of his belt.

How many cc does a insulen needle hold?

I think that you are referring to the insulin syringe,not the needle. The standard insulin syringe holds one cc, divided into 100ths, which is equal to one UNIT of insulin. It is imperative that you are using a U100 insulin solution with a U100 syringe. If you don't, the incorrect dosage could be catastrophic. There are some smaller insulin syringes that only hold 0.5 cc (making them half the size of the 1cc). They are STILL marked properly for U100 insulin even though they are smaller in size. Hope that this helps!!

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You hold down ctrl and move the mouse wheel.

Does a bigger battery last longer than a smaller one?

If we assume the same battery chemistry and quality, and the same drain, then the bigger cell will last longer than the smaller cell, as the bigger size means it'll hold a bigger amount of energy.

In age of mythology editor how do you make objects bigger?

Hold K. Press shift+K to make them smaller.

How do smaller SD cards compare to bigger SD cards?

Smaller SD cards use a new technology that allows for them to be smaller in size, but hold as much, if not more data than the bigger ones. It also allows for new devices to be smaller and still accept these cards to use for data storage.

Medium balloon and small balloon filled with hellium which holds more heat?

Both the medium and small balloon filled with helium will not hold heat well because helium is a poor conductor of heat. The amount of helium in each balloon will not significantly affect its ability to hold heat.

How do you enlarge font?

Hold CTRL and Shift press the + or = button to make the font bigger, to make it smaller hold CTRL and Shift and press the - or _ button. Hopefully that helps :D

How can you tell what size tennis racket you are?

hold it in your palm,and if its too heavy,you know you need a smaller one,and if its too light for you,you need a size bigger.

Why do bigger bubble blowers create bigger bubbles?

Bigger bubble blowers create bigger bubbles because they can hold more air inside them before the surface tension of the soap film breaks. The larger volume of air allows the bubble to expand to a greater size before popping.

Bottled water dispensers typically hold what size of jug?

Bottled water dispensers typically hold a 16 ounce water jug or bottle. Some bigger dispensers can hold 20 ounce bottles and smaller ones can hold 12 ounce bottles.

How do you make the font size bigger?

To make font bigger, hold Ctrl key down while keeping on typing + key until you get the size of font you want. To make font smaller, hold Ctrl down while keeping on typing the minus key (next to the + key.

What is the reason why people wear woolen clothes in the winter?

People wear woolen clothes in the winter because wool is a natural insulator that helps to retain body heat and keep them warm. Wool fibers have crimps and air pockets that trap heat, making it an ideal material for cold weather. Additionally, wool has moisture-wicking properties that help regulate body temperature and keep the wearer dry.

How does the gravity of the planets effect the mass?

the bigger the planet the more gravity it has because it needs to hold it self together so it has more gravity than smaller planets who require a small amount of gravity to hold themselves toghther