2 numbers that are higher are 2 and three higher is -2 and -3
No, positive numbers do not always have a higher absolute value than negative numbers. The absolute value of a negative number is equal to its positive equivalent. For example, the absolute value of -3 and 3 is both 3.
All negative numbers are less than pi.
negative numbers are numbers less than zero. negative numbers have a negative sign in front of them EX: -9 negative nine positive numbers are anything more than zero. EX: 9 positive nine
2 numbers that are higher are 2 and three higher is -2 and -3
No, positive numbers do not always have a higher absolute value than negative numbers. The absolute value of a negative number is equal to its positive equivalent. For example, the absolute value of -3 and 3 is both 3.
no way positive is higher in numbers and negative is lower
Yes. When dealing with negative numbers, the higher the number, the lesser the value.
Depends what you mean by higher. Minus 2.5 is greater than minus 5 because you have to add 2.5 to -5 to get there. On the other hand, a bank account summary showing a negative amount is showing a higher debt than a smaller negative amount. The word higher is not used in Math. Use "greater than" or "less than". And you have to add positive numbers to get to a number "greater than".
Four negative numbers greater than -3 would be: -2, -1, -4, -5. These numbers are considered negative because they are less than zero. When comparing negative numbers, the number closer to zero is considered greater.
Negative numbers are smaller than positive numbers.
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate these numbers. Negative 8 is actually less than negative 2 because when you move to the left on a number line, you're going in a smaller direction. It's all about perspective, and each number has its own special place. Just remember, every number is important in its own way.
All negative numbers are less than pi.
== == "Negative 1" refers to the position of the baby's head in relation to your cervix. Negative numbers imply that the baby's head is still floating above the cervix. Zero position means the baby's head is engaged. Positive numbers means the baby's head has begun its descent through the cervix and into the birth canal. The higher the negative numbers, the higher up in your uterus the baby is located (ex., - 3 is higher up than - 2). The higher the positive numbers, the lower into the birth canal the baby is located (ex., +3 is lower -- closer to birth -- than +1).