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2 numbers that are higher are 2 and three higher is -2 and -3

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Q: What are two numbers that are higher than negative 1 and two numbers that are lower than negative 1?
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no way positive is higher in numbers and negative is lower

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What does negative 1 mean when you are 90 percent effaced and 4 centimeters?

== == "Negative 1" refers to the position of the baby's head in relation to your cervix. Negative numbers imply that the baby's head is still floating above the cervix. Zero position means the baby's head is engaged. Positive numbers means the baby's head has begun its descent through the cervix and into the birth canal. The higher the negative numbers, the higher up in your uterus the baby is located (ex., - 3 is higher up than - 2). The higher the positive numbers, the lower into the birth canal the baby is located (ex., +3 is lower -- closer to birth -- than +1).

Is negative 7 greater than negative 1?

no.. -7<-1 i.e "negative 7 is less than negative 1" ------------- negative numbers like -1 are less than 0, making any number after -1 even lower than 0 making the lower up negatives like -1 greater than higher number negatives like -7

Are negative numbers higher than normal numbers?

What do you mean by "higher?"They are smaller than positive numbers since they are to the left of positive numbers on the number line.Beyond that, not sure what you mean.

Will positive numbers alway have a higher absolute value than the negative numbers?

No, positive numbers do not always have a higher absolute value than negative numbers. The absolute value of a negative number is equal to its positive equivalent. For example, the absolute value of -3 and 3 is both 3.

Is negative 5556 greater than negative 5557?

Yes. When dealing with negative numbers, the higher the number, the lesser the value.

Is a star with magnitude -1 the brightest?

Lower magnitude numbers are brighter; negative numbers represent brighter objects than positive numbers.

How do you decide which number is greater when one number is negative and one number is positive?

ANY positive number is greater than any negative number. Imagine you are digging a hole, and piling up the dirt you remove from the hole. The hole represents negative numbers- it goes lower than the surface. The piled up dirt represents positive numbers- it is higher than the surface. The surface is zero- neither positive or negative.

Is higher number in Fahrenheit colder than the lower number?

In Fahrenheit, higher numbers represent hotter temperatures.

Would a city at lower latitude have a higher average temperature than a city at higher latitude?

Yes. Since latitude is measured in degrees north or south of the Equator (0° latitude), the lower latitude numbers are closer to the tropics, while the higher ones are comparatively closer to the poles. Although it is not always true, locations at "lower" latitude numbers will generally be warmer than locations at "higher" numbers.