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Q: Are negatives and decimls the same?
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What is one quarter written as a decimls?

1/4 = 0.25

Is subtracting a negative number the same as adding a positive number?

For negatives, two negatives equal a positive & all goes for positive

What are the negatives of Russia being cold?

The same like in other countries.

What a neutral object is?

a neutral object is an object that has the same amount of positives as negatives

What are numbers that look the same but have different signs called?

Mutual negatives or additive inverses.

What are the negatives and positives to a mri?

There are no negatives

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When you have 2 negatives do you add?

yes because it is the same as adding positive (it is easier to use a numberline)

What is the sign of the product of 3 integers with the same sign?

3 positives will be positive. 3 negatives will be negative.

What do two negatives equal two?

When combining (adding) two negatives you get a negative. When multiplying two negatives you will get a positive.

What is the rules for algeraba for subtracting negatives?

Subtracting a negative is the same as adding the equivalent positive. For example, subtracting minus 10 is the same as adding 10.

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