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They are both closed figures

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Q: Are quadrilaterals and triangles similar in any way?
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Is angle angle angle a way to show that triangles are similar?

Yes, AAA is a way to show that triangles are similar. Note, however, that AAA is not a way to show that triangles are congruent.

Is length basically base?

No. Although for some 2-dimensional figures - some triangles and quadrilaterals - the term may be used in that way.

Is sss a way to find if triangles are similar?

Triangles are congruent if all three sides in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding sides in the other.When two triangles have corresponding sides with identical ratios, the triangles are similar.Of course if triangles are congruent, they are also similar.

Is side angle side a way to show that triangles are similar?


Are quadrilaterals sturdy compared to triangles and if so why.?

No. A quadrilateral can be "squashed" in the same way that a square can be squashed into a rhombus. In a triangle, both ends on each side are anchored and so there is complete rigidity.

What is a way that rectangles are similar to kites?

They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals and have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

Which are true statements about Sierpinski triangles?

They can be constructed in more than one way. They have fractional dimension. They are self-similar. They are constructed by removing small triangles from a big triangle.

What is One way obtuse triangles and acute triangles are different?

One way is they both are triangles and have 3 sides.

How do you make a flowchart for congruent or similar triangles?

Here guys Thanks :D Congruent triangles are similar figures with a ratio of similarity of 1, that is 1 1 . One way to prove triangles congruent is to prove they are similar first, and then prove that the ratio of similarity is 1. In these sections of the text the students find short cuts that enable them to prove triangles congruent in fewer steps, by developing five triangle congruence conjectures. They are SSS! , ASA! , AAS! , SAS! , and HL ! , illustrated below.

Why do you say congruent and not equal triangles?

Triangles are not equal to each other in the same way that 5 = 5 or 23 = 8 + 15 because they are not discrete values. Congruent is a similar term to equivalent, which allows comparison.

In what way is a trapezium like a parallelogram?

They are both quadrilaterals.

How do you use 4 identical isosceles triangles to make an isosceles triangle?

Here is one way: /\ --- /\/\ ----- These are {45°, 45°, 90°} triangles. There are 3 on the bottom row, and 1 on top. Actually, any four identical isosceles triangles would work.